Rabbit meatballs

Rabbit meatballs


carne di coniglio 58,5%, carne di suino, acqua, farina di mais bianco, sale iodato (sale, iodato di potassio), antiossidanti: E300, E301; zucchero caramellizzato.


In a non-stick pan with a drizzle of olive oil, turning them from time to time.

The chef's creative touch

To amaze your guests, prepare some single servings adding to the meatballs of onion jam, a couple of leaves of valerianella and some sweet and sour onions.


carne di coniglio 58,5%, carne di suino, acqua, farina di mais bianco, sale iodato (sale, iodato di potassio), antiossidanti: E300, E301; zucchero caramellizzato.


In a non-stick pan with a drizzle of olive oil, turning them from time to time.

The chef's creative touch

To amaze your guests, prepare some single servings adding to the meatballs of onion jam, a couple of leaves of valerianella and some sweet and sour onions.